This, unlike previous versions, is vulnerable to a deadlock state. 与以前版本不同的是,这个版本很容易进入死锁状态。
This specific tradeoff involves a choice between two bad results: deadlock the program or fail to protect the state of a critical resource. 这个特定的折衷是对两种糟糕结果的选择:程序死锁,还是不再保护重要资源的状态。
When the two sides in an important industrial dispute reach deadlock the Secretary of State may attempt to mediate between them. 当双方在一重要工业问题上出现僵局时,国务卿可能会出面进行调停。
Because neither task can continue until a resource is available and neither resource can be released until a task continues, a deadlock state exists. 因为这两个任务都需要有资源可用才能继续,而这两个资源又必须等到其中一个任务继续才会释放出来,所以陷入了死锁状态。
In this paper, the problem of detection and prevention of deadlock in DDBMS is studied in detail. And a locking/ unlocking protocol and its algorithm using the state transiting diagram are presented. 本文对分布式数据库中死锁的检测与预防进行了充分的研究,并给出了相应的状态转换图以及有关的封锁/开锁协议与算法。
Deadlock State and Its Avoidance Method in Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Shared Resources FMS中资源共享导致的死锁状态及其避免方法
Finally, a deadlock avoidance method was proposed, which constructed PN controller for every deadlock state equation. 引入了死锁状态方程的概念并给出了其构造方法;
However, as a matter of fact can not continue to carry out the contract and then lead to the lifting of the contract is neither in nor carry out a "deadlock" state. 但由于事实上合同已经无法继续实际履行,继而导致合同处于既不解除,又不实际履行的僵局状态。
Deadlock in concurrent program is a state of some processes being blocked for waiting for the events will never be generated. 死锁在并发程序中的具体表现就是进程等待永不可能发生的事件而产生阻塞的状态。